jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011


I've made this originally in Spanish. And then translated to English. I like the original version better, so I'll post both.

Sentía que la habitación me devoraba poco a poco. Buscaba algo en que reconfortarme, pero el olor me abrumaba y no me permitía concentrar en nada que me relaje. Sentía el peso de muchísimos años sobre mi, que quería tomar mi historia, que querían llevarse parte de mi.
En un brusco arranque me dirigí hacia la puerta de calle, cuando escuché una voz que me llamaba, al fin había llegado mi turno. Volví sobre mis pasos y me vi encerrada en una habitación aún más antigua que me hacía sentir como a una niña sin su oso de peluche.

I felt as if the room was trying to devour me little by little. I looked for something to rely on, something that would make me feel safe, but the smell was overwhelming and wouldn’t let me focuss on anything which would make me relax. I felt the burden of many years, that wanted to take my story, they wanted to take part of me. In a sudden movement I ran to the exit door when I heard a voice that was calling me. It was finally my time. I went back and I found myself locked into and ever older room that made me feel like a child without his blanket.

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